Ukraine Hospitals Appeal: Supporting the Medics and Helping the Wounded in Ukraine

Biloruska Foundation - uha

Global non-profit foundations join efforts with the renowned neurosurgeon and philanthropist Dr. Owase Jeelani to raise €1M and help The Children’s Hospital in Lviv, Ukraine.

Parimatch Foundation has joined forces with WeHelpUkrainians (formerly Mangalakara Foundation), SteelRose Legal Ltd project partner, and prominent British doctors in a new initiative to provide medical aid in Ukraine. The Ukraine Hospitals Appeal coalition aims to raise money and provide medical aid for the local hospitals saving the lives of Ukrainian kids. The effort aims to raise €1,000,000. The initiative is supported by Dr. Owase Jeelani, BMed. Sci (Hons), BMBS, MRCS, MBA, MPhil (Medical Law), FRCS (NeuroSurg.) — a world-renowned Consultant Pediatric Neurosurgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, and director of the charity, Gemini Untwined.

The initiative’s mission is to cover three main directions:

  • Raising funds to support The Children’s Hospital in Lviv, as a pilot hospital of the project;
  • Empower local medical teams to deliver by setting up cloud-based communication channels with UK-based healthcare teams;
  • Providing doctors and nurses, medical equipment, and supplies for hospitals and ambulances in Ukraine;

Parimatch Foundation is raising awareness of the Ukrainian struggle among the partners in the UK and EU, raises money to purchase the critically necessary medical supplies, communicates with the hospitals, and arranges the delivery of medical equipment across Ukraine. WeHelpUkrainians are helping with locating and arranging the delivery of necessary supplies and equipment from Europe to Ukraine.

The Ukraine Hospitals Appeal initiative was already supported by multiple UK partners, who purchased and transferred the necessary medical equipment worth €250,000 to The Children’s Hospital in Lviv.

Katerina Biloruska, Chairwoman of Parimatch Foundation

«Since the beginning of the war, we are looking for ways to help injured children survive, and exploring the opportunities to support Ukrainian doctors and nurses. Lviv and other cities in the west of Ukraine turned into the humanitarian and logistical hubs dedicated to saving lives and welcoming the internally displaced persons. I am thankful to our British friends who heard our call for help and joined forces with us. We launched this fundraiser, united with medical experts, and received support from our caring partners across the world to save the Ukrainian children and women. We urge everybody in the free civilised world to join our efforts».

Dr. Owase Jeelani, BMed.Sci (Hons), BMBS, MRCS, MBA, MPhil (Medical Law), FRCS (NeuroSurg.)

«Humanity is one, we are one global family. We must rise to help the children, people in Ukraine in their hour of need. For only then can and should we expect others to help our children and us in our hour of need. We work towards a concerted global response to minimise this tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, in front of our eyes. We hope that global consciousness is raised enough so as to prevent further such tragedies; we are all one people».

James Heart, Trustee of WeHelpUkrainians (formerly Mangalakara Foundation)

«Each day that passes in Ukraine’s fight for freedom, the human cost mounts and the extent of the tragedy becomes clearer. As child casualties climb, we must do everything we can to support those working tirelessly to save as many bright futures as possible. The doctors and nurses of the Children’s Hospital in Lviv are working around the clock and doing a truly incredible job. We are proud to support them».

The fundraiser and more details on the Ukraine Hospitals Appeal initiative are available via the link:


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