Competition for teachers-innovators in physical culture 2021

Biloruska Foundation - 5.08.21_1.3

In 2020, within the framework of the New Physical Culture project, we initiated for the first time a competition aimed at supporting physical education teachers. These are teachers who practice innovative approaches to conducting lessons and prove by their example - physical culture at school can be interesting and useful for every student!

We are currently organizing the II competition of teachers-innovators of physical culture with a valuable gift – the opportunity to win a trip to Croatia at the ISF Universal Teachers Games 2021 October 26-31 and represent Ukraine among other countries.

So we look forward to your ideas for extraordinary involvement and adaptation of sports such as football, basketball, and volleyball.

What do you need to participate in the competition?

In one letter to send to [email protected] competition work in the format of a slide presentation with a description of their own experience in implementing innovative methods in physical education lessons of sports such as basketball, volleyball, football.

The subject of the letter and the file should be signed as follows: “Surname, region, sport” (for example, Petrov_Kyivska_oblast_basketbol).

📌Requirements for participants’ competition materials

▪️ Slide presentation should contain printed text (volume not more than 25-30% of presentation materials), which reveals the competition topic; illustrations to the text (not less than 70% of the presentation) – photos with accompanying comments, if necessary – diagrams, diagrams, drawings (made in the form of slides), etc. To perform the presentation, you can use any techniques and techniques.

▪️ The presentation should be in the state language. Its volume should not exceed 10 slides (in PowerPoint 2003 format)

▪️ The presentation is presented as an author’s product that does not contain elements of plagiarism. Borrowing and copying from other artists are prohibited.

▪️ According to the content, the competition materials should reveal the presented forms, means, methods of teaching, elements of modern pedagogical technologies, or the technologies of teaching and education on a specific topic.

▪️ Recommended methods, techniques, forms, and means of teaching should be justified and refer to their own pedagogical experience.

▪️ The material should be systematized, presented as simply and clearly as possible; the language must be clear, concise, literate, convincing.

▪️ The conclusion summarizes the problematic issues raised by the Contest Participant and highlights the effectiveness of the implementation, referring to their own experience.

▪️ The competition does not allow works that promote violence, religious and ethnic hatred, bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking), contain political advertising.

📆 Stages of the competition

1️⃣ From 06.08. until 06.09 inclusive – a collection of applications for participation in the competition.

2️⃣ 07.09 – 20.09 – evaluation of works by the tender commission. The jury selects 10 winners, of which 2 – volleyball, 3 – basketball, 5 – football.

2️⃣ Information about the winners of the competition will be posted after September 20 on the websites of the International Charitable Foundation Parimatch Foundation and the Institute for Modernization of Educational Content, Facebook page, as well as in the media.

The 10 winners will take part in the ISF Universal Teachers Games 2021 International Event on October 26-31 and represent Ukraine among other countries. The International Charitable Foundation Parimatch Foundation covers the cost of membership fees and airfare in both directions.

We are waiting for your applications, we will be glad to meet you, and we believe that your work is worthy of the highest awards!


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