Let`s help together!

Biloruska Foundation - na-zastavku-7-scaled

Kateryna Biloruska and the foundation's team continue their mission to ensure the full development of children. Our priorities are programs launched in sports, education, and mental health.

The DNA of our foundation is openness, cooperation, mutual assistance, and inclusiveness.

Join the activities of our team. Together we can build a prosperous future for children and provide them equal opportunities for sports and innovative education.

History of the Foundation

Biloruska Foundation - na-zastavku-7-scaled

Charitable work has become an integral part of Kateryna Biloruska's life.

Thanks to her own efforts and the union of like-minded people, she has managed to help more than 82,000 children, parents, and teachers.

In order to increase these results, Kateryna decided to create a private charitable foundation. Thus, in December 2022, the corporate international foundation became the private charitable foundation of Kateryna Biloruska. The goal is to expand our activities and assistance by attracting new partners to implement larger programs both in Ukraine and abroad.

Biloruska Foundation - mg_7915

Kateryna Biloruska and the foundation's team continue their mission to ensure the full development of children. Our priorities are programs launched in sports, education, and mental health.

The DNA of our foundation is openness, cooperation, mutual assistance, and inclusiveness.

Join the activities of our team. Together we can build a prosperous future for children and provide them equal opportunities for sports and innovative education.

Biloruska Foundation - kateryna-pro-nas-scaled
Kateryna Bilorusʹka
Founder of the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation

"Our goal is to ensure children's health and full development by increasing their involvement in sports, physical activity, and innovative education, which is a direct investment in the economic and social well-being of the country”

Effective cooperation

The involvement of international partners, experts, and the government in the charitable programs of the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation will solve social problems and have a more significant impact on the formation of a tolerant society.

Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - parntner4
Committee on physical education and sports
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Національний комітет спорту інвалідів України
National Committee of Disabled Sports of Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - zavantazhennia
Special Olympics Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - itc-english-logo-with-ra-updated-august-2020-1-1
Israel Trauma Coalition
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Всеукраїнський центр фізичного здоров'я населення
All-Ukrainian Center for Physical Health of the Population
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - a89bc5815159468dc6b82baaa502a3a4
Knigolav Publishing
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - parntner1
Platform of open online courses
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Спортивний комітет України
Sports Committee of Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Ліга толерантності
League of Tolerance
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - photo1677507092
Jaguar Sports Academy
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Українська федерація флорболу
Ukrainian Floorball Federation
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Офіційний фан-клуб ФК
The official fan club of FC Manchester United in Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - photo_2022-07-20_16-51-28
Hope For Children
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Ювенальна поліція
Juvenile Police
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Подільський районний у М.Києві Центр з фізичного здоров'я населення
Podilsky district population health center in Kyiv
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Федерація баскетболу України
Basketball Federation of Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Українська федерація Змішаних Бойових Мистецтв
Ukrainian Federation of Mixed Martial Arts
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Футбольний клуб
Football club "Podil 2007"
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Aris FC
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Commissioner for Children’s Rights Cyprus
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Cyprus Olympians
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'Elefthera Cheria' - Limassol Municiaplity
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United Sports Cyprus
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Multifuctional Centre of Nicosia - Nicosia Municipality
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Special Olympics Cyprus
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Nicosia Multifuctional Centre
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Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - cyprus-autistic-association
Cyprus Autistic association
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - download.jpeg-1
Kyrenia Nautical Club
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - school-for-deaf
School of deaf
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Galaxy Academy
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - photo1688550404
CSR Cyprus

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