"Sports coach": futsal training for girls started in Slavutych

Biloruska Foundation - 49-scaled

On December 22, the Sports Mentor program was launched in Slavutych. The program helps children in difficult life circumstances to change their lives through sports.

This time, for the first time in its history, only girls became participants in the initiative. In this way, Slavutych and the Parimatch Foundation decided to challenge stereotypes and prove that sports should be accessible to all – regardless of social status, gender, or any other factors. From now on, 15 participants of the program have the opportunity to play futsal regularly. They argue that sport, in particular football, has no gender or restrictions.

Oleg Shaitanov, the head coach of the women’s national futsal team, and Natalia Mitrofanska and Alyona Kyrylchuk, players of the national team, also joined the training. Volodymyr Panchenko, the coach of the Olymp football club, became a sports mentor for the girls.

“This project is really about barriers. It’s about equal opportunities and overcoming stereotypes. Who said that a woman can’t do any sports? Women fly into space, win in the boxing ring. They can do everything. And it’s great that our girls got a chance to do their favorite thing. Do not fight against the division by gender, do not lose chances due to financial situation or other circumstances. And just become successful in sports, “said Slavutych Mayor Yuri Fomichev.

Greetings to the new participants of the “Sports Mentor” in Slavutych, and we wish you only victories!


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