Parimatch Foundation purchased an ambulance for the Mykolaiv region

Biloruska Foundation - znimok-ekrana-2022-05-27-o-13.51.08

International Charitable organization Parimatch Foundation responded to the request of the NGO Initiative Generation and purchased an ambulance, which will be sent to the Mykolaiv region to save lives. The ambulance is intended for transporting seriously ill and wounded persons and is equipped with everything necessary for specialists to provide emergency care directly in the car.

This aid becomes possible as part of the Ukraine hospitals Appeal project, implemented by the international charitable organization Parimatch Foundation, WeHelpUkrainians Foundation, and well-known British doctors. This initiative aims to support hospitals and doctors in Ukraine and raises funds for the necessary medical equipment.

Parimatch Foundation and the Initiative Generation continue to help the civilians in Ukraine’s hotspots by joining efforts. They do their utmost to improve the living conditions of those affected by Russia’s military aggression. Since the beginning of the war, the Initiative Generation has also refocused its activities on providing humanitarian aid, in particular, to hospitals and maternity hospitals. In addition to the car purchased by Parimatch Foundation, which will be delivered to the Mykolaiv region, the organization also managed to transfer the ambulance to Sosnytsia, Chernihiv region. The organization currently has five more requests to purchase ambulances.

In wartime, it is to be recalled that Parimatch Foundation launched a new program, «Help for Ukraine». We bring together efforts and partners in medical, psychological, social, and humanitarian support. One of the projects of the program is Ukraine Hospitals Appeal. It is an association of charitable organizations and British doctors to save the lives of Ukrainian children. The project aims to raise 1,000,000 EUR to help Ukrainian doctors. Fundraising and more detailed information about the scheme is available at:


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