Volunteer for Ukraine: Possible Ways to Help the Country Amid

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What is volunteering? What volunteer opportunities are there in Ukraine? You will find answers to these and other questions in this material.

Volunteering is a socially beneficial activity voluntarily. Both individuals and entire organizations can volunteer. Volunteering is based on legality, humanity, equality, voluntariness, non-payment, and non-profit.

Volunteers in Ukraine stepped up their activities after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion. Millions of people, even those who had not previously engaged in charity, went to volunteer: to find and deliver medicine, evacuate residents of dangerous or occupied regions, prepare food for the front, go to animal shelters, etc.

Charitable organizations do not play the last role in this because they are the ones who deal with issues of logistics, procurement, and assistance.

What Can Parimatch Foundation Do Right Now to Help Ukraine?

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Parimatch Foundation has directed all its resources to help Ukraine. In the first months, the Fund promptly organized the evacuation of people from the occupied territories and the hottest spots of Ukraine. Also, one of the priority areas was the arrangement of hubs for internally displaced persons in the western regions.

The Fund has already helped 55,000 Ukrainians in the amount of over 8.5 million hryvnias ㅡ, that’s about 50 tons of humanitarian aid.

It became possible because of the active cooperation of the Foundation with regional military administrations, volunteers in Ukraine, and non-governmental institutions. In particular, another activity area was cooperation with British doctors and the Ukrainian Hospital Appeal project. These are financial and other options for supporting Ukrainian hospitals: expertise of British doctors, purchase of medical equipment, etc.

Currently, Parimatch Foundation is increasing the amount of financial assistance for such priority areas as psychological rehabilitation of children, and restoration of the Foundation’s sports programs. The foundation also continues volunteer work in Ukraine with medical projects: financial, logistical, and humanitarian aid to hospitals.

Financial Donation For Ukraine

However, volunteer opportunities in Ukraine are not endless. In addition to physical assistance, many charitable organizations need financial support because the central aspect of their activity is non-profit.

Whatever the volunteer work, Ukraine still needs help. To provide it to more Ukrainians, the Parimatch Foundation has opened a charitable collection of donations on its website. Anyone can join and donate any comfortable amount via the link.

Donations for the Food and Clothes

Those who donate to charitable funds are faced with the question: what are the received funds used for?

Evacuated from occupied or dangerous regions and affected by war, people need food and clothing, primarily. Thanks to donations and volunteers in Ukraine, charitable foundations can purchase these items for those who need them. Since the first day of the war, Parimatch Foundation has been organizing the collection and purchase of clothes and food kits for the affected Ukrainians. At the beginning of July, the fund purchased 50 tons of food. About a thousand sets were sent to Ukrainian families with children.

The foundation also purchased and handed oversleeping sets to hubs for displaced persons in the western regions. In total, 190,000 euros were allocated for assistance, a large part of which was donations.

Raise Your Voice in Support of Ukrainian People

Each of us is a drop in the sea. However, the sea is made of drops. Support the people ㅡ financially or by volunteering in Ukraine or any other way.

Let’s approach victory together!


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