The first open inclusive football training for children in Cherkasy

Biloruska Foundation - rsz_img_8031

May 15, 2021 within the All-Ukrainian comprehensive program "Yes, I can!" an inclusive football training for children was in Cherkasy.

Children who have been playing in the inclusive football group for more than 4 months have played in the arena for the first time. Professional players of FC “Cherkassky Dnepr” joined the match, so children not only felt the atmosphere of a great game but also tried themselves in the role of the real football players. Before the training, the foundation presented gifts to the children.

The regional partners of the project are the “Champions in Life” charity foundation, co-founded by Angela Kotova and Yuri Goncharov. The project is being implemented with the support of the regional community and active citizens.

The famous football player, goalkeeper of the National Paralympic team of Ukraine, world and European champion Bogdan Kulinich acted as the head coach and mentor for the children. In 2016, at the XV Summer Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Bogdan, together with his team, won gold medals and became Paralympic champions.

Sports and physical education for such children do not only support their health and rehabilitation. Very often this is almost the only way to socialize and realize the child’s talents in a team. This is what makes his life better and gives vivid emotions.

“Our program “Yes, I can!” continues to expand geography. I am very glad that we have opened Cherkassy, ​​a new city for us. It’s nice that here, too, there are caring people and all the necessary conditions for organizing children’s trainings. Sport has a positive effect on the physical condition of the child, and on the psycho-emotional. He gives such positive emotions necessary for children. For a child with a disability, this is getting new impressions, pleasure from playing together, friends and a smile. This is also important for parents – they rejoice at the opportunity to diversify their child’s life and see how their children rejoice.”.

– Ekaterina Belorusskaya, President of the international charitable foundation Parimatch Foundation



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