Sports leisure time: Parimatch Foundation engages children in hockey

Biloruska Foundation - na-zastavku-12-scaled

The international charity organization Parimatch Foundation continues to support initiatives to encourage the interest of children in difficult life circumstances in sports.

Last weekend, the match of the PARIMATCH PRO HOKEI LIGASY championship between HC «Saryarka» and HC «Almaty» was held in Almaty. The charity event, supported by the Parimatch Foundation, was organized by the Dusha volunteering organization. 30 children from families experiencing difficult times, accompanied by their parents, visited the game. The Foundation provided guests with tickets and snacks.

— This is not the first time we organize the events like this and always receive good feedback. Children enjoy watching matches. It is a new experience for them, an opportunity to see professional athletes in action and to be inspired by their own sports achievements. That is the way we want to motivate children from socially disadvantaged families to strive for more, believe in themselves, and achieve success, – said Viktoriya Andreyeva, the Parimatch Foundation’s CSR specialist in Kazakhstan.

The game was dynamic and completely captured the attention of young fans. HC «Almaty» took the lead, but despite playing in the minority most of the match time «Saryarka» struggled to win 1:2 even though some guests cheered for their home club, everyone enjoyed the game.

— Unfortunately, we rarely manage to visit the events like this due to work, so we are grateful to the Parimatch Foundation for the opportunity to make children happy. We are very glad that there are such organizations, and we would gladly take part in future events, – the father of the invited kid shared his emotions.

Some fans managed to catch not only bright emotions but also the puck that flew out of the arena.

— We visited the game with a whole family. At some point, the puck flew out of the rink, and our children, who were just standing nearby, got it as a gift. Everyone was delighted! We thank the Parimatch Foundation for the invitation, let’s hope that this is not the last initiative, — said the father of the lucky trophy owner.

Such initiatives demonstrate that sports can be accessible to everyone, and athletes should become idols for the younger generation.


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