Parimatch Foundation purchased a batch of medical consumables for the Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre

Biloruska Foundation - zmi-17

Parimatch Foundation provided the Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre with a set of consumables that enabled the institution to continue its work in wartime. These purchased supplies will be enough to make 300 tests. These are reagents for the hemostasis analyzer - TEG 5000 Thrombelastograph, which the station uses to provide emergency medical care to the military and civilians with coagulation disorders.

The assistance was provided under the Ukraine Hospitals Appeal project, which is implemented by the international charitable organization Parimatch Foundation together with the WeHelpUkrainians Foundation and well-known British doctors. The purpose of the initiative is to provide medical care in Ukraine during the war.

Russian military aggression in Ukraine led to a humanitarian health crisis. Hundreds of facilities, including the Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre, suffered direct firing and bombing. Working conditions have changed dramatically, and some medical devices are unavailable as warehouses have been destroyed. Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre continues operating and saving the lives of civilians and the military in such circumstances.

— The Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre, like hundreds of other health care facilities, was under firing and bombing. Because we are working directly in the combat zone and the medical facilities have been destroyed, we do not have access to some critical medical devices. Consequently, we can not provide emergency medical care. Thanks to the help of the Parimatch Foundation, which provided our institution with a set of medical consumables, we can now continue to help Kharkiv residents and the military who have coagulation disorders — Olena Moligon the Deputy Director of Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre said.

— These consumables allow us to continue curing people using one of the most modern methods of blood tests – thromboelastography. Thanks to this technique, we can quickly assess the risk of bleeding or vice versa – thrombosis, choose the right treatment tactics and save lives. Since the Kharkiv region is constantly under fire, the number of wounded people with massive blood loss among military and civilians is continually growing. Now we can continue to work effectively and help people in wartime, — Ihor Skyrda, Candidate of Medical Sciences, transfusiology doctor of Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre, said.

It is now essential to support doctors and medical institutions as they save hundreds of lives every day. Vadym Misyura, Director of the International Charitable organization Parimatch Foundation in Ukraine, is convinced that together we can facilitate the work of doctors who fight for human lives every day and bring our victory closer.

— At this challenging time for all of Ukraine, we are accumulating all our strength to support Ukraine. During the war, the Foundation launched a new program called Ukraine Hospitals Appeal, which brings together our efforts and partners in medical, psychological, social, and humanitarian support. Ukraine Hospitals Appeal is one of the program’s projects, within the framework of which we help medical institutions and doctors — he said.

It is to be recalled that Parimatch Foundation opened a fundraiser to help civilians in the hot spots of Ukraine. All funds raised will be used to purchase and deliver food, medicine, and necessities and organize evacuations from the temporarily occupied territories of our country and areas where hostilities are taking place. You can donate any comfortable sum via the link and help.


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