"New race" - an inclusive sports holiday for children from the NGO "Vidchuy"

Biloruska Foundation - 142-scaled

On September 9, the EANE in Kyiv hosted an inclusive children's sports holiday "New Race" - a sports tournament organized together with the NGO "Vidchuy" for children with hearing impairments.

The Foundation held the event in partnership with a team of professional teachers of the NGO “Vidchuy” – the only public organization that systematically works with children with hearing impairments and regularly accepts for rehabilitation children from different parts of Ukraine.

In total, the holiday took place in 16 sports locations, where experienced mentors interacted with the guests:

Floorball zone – Tamuz Khidir from the Ukrainian Floorball Federation

Rhythmic gymnastics zone – Liana Kopylova and Maria Modlynska

Ice Hockey Zone – Ellen and Elizabeth Alipova of HOCKEY EVOLUTION GYM

Zone of self-defense and martial arts – Honored Coach of Ukraine Roman Yakovenko

Cheerleading area – Academy Cheerleading

Petanque zone – Vasyl Leskiv from Leskiv-school

Basketball area – Basketball Club 5TEAM

Greco-Roman wrestling zone – Artur Politayev and Nikita Politayev

Arm Wrestling Zone – Denis Dubrovsky

Freestyle zone – UkrFreestyle

Table tennis area – Yana Mykhailyk, Vadym Kucheryavy and Oleksandr Cherkas from Setka Cup

The holiday for children from the Children’s Center “Vidchuy” in this sports format was held for the first time. Some invited children are at different stages of rehabilitation and some still find it difficult to communicate, hear and understand the environment. However, all the children were involved and active, with the help of parents and experienced teachers of the NGO “Vidchuy”.


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