Sports equipment from Parimatch Foundation for educational institutions

Biloruska Foundation - zmi

The international charity Parimatch Foundation, which does its best to improve the health and well-being of society by providing children with equal opportunities and access to sports, continues to provide equipment to educational institutions. 30 educational institutions in Ukraine can get their own sports set, which they can use in physical education lessons.

Each set is adapted for the modular system of the National Academy of Sciences (New Ukrainian School) and contains all the necessary modern equipment for physical education lessons, sports, and active leisure time. These are football, basketball, volleyball, futsal balls, cones and bibs for training, sets for badminton, checkers, chess and darts, coordination ladders, and frisbees.

It should be noted, that 200 sports sets have already been sent to the regions of Ukraine as a part of the New physical education program, and more than 2,000 children have the opportunity to spend their free time more actively, especially during the summer holidays. Most of the sets were delivered to educational institutions that received internally displaced persons with children.

Sport develops not only physically, but also mentally. Games help in socializing children and teenagers, strengthening team spirit and mutual support. In wartime, sports contribute to the psychological rehabilitation and recovery of children, providing a sense of peace and an opportunity to distract from the anxious everyday life. And encourage children to physical and motor activity has been one of the main tasks of the Foundation’s programs.

That is why the Parimatch Foundation has supported educational institutions in Ukraine and physical education teachers for over three years, creating conditions for children to practice sports, both during physical education classes and in their free time, providing them with modern equipment.

Terms! To receive one of the 30 sports sets from the Parimatch Foundation, you must:

  1. to fill out an application
  2. to explain why your educational institution deserves to be provided with new equipment, and how it will improve physical education lessons and sports activities for students

Only schools that previously have all the conditions to start the 2022-2023 academic year in the full-time format by the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine can participate in the competition — -roku)

The application can be submitted until August 12, after which the commission will determine the schools that will receive the sports sets. The results of the competition will be announced by August 18.

Priority is given to educational institutions with an acute need for sports equipment and a clear justified motivation and description of the equipment used.

The Foundation is also resuming training for “Yes, I can!” and “Sports Mentor” program participants as well as for all children who want to go in for sport. Parimatch Foundation continues to implement the comprehensive «New physical education program aimed at developing teachers’ pedagogical skills to make physical education lessons interesting and useful for students and increase their physical activity. You can register for educational modules of courses on various topics on the Prometheus educational platform.


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