Sports for children

Together with the Academy of Rhythmic Gymnastics of Anna Rizatdinova, the Public Union "Sports Committee of Ukraine" and FC Podil, the foundation organized children's sports training in various sports.

Sports for children

Biloruska Foundation - 11.2-scaled

In 2021, we want to provide an opportunity to play sports for more children in difficult life circumstances.

The purpose of the project is to give children in difficult life circumstances the opportunity to play sports and develop thanks to the coach.

Biloruska Foundation - 11.2-scaled

The foundation gave an opportunity for 50 children in difficult life circumstances to attend football, rhythmic gymnastics, jujitsu, and Sambo fighting. They are free for children and implemented with the active participation of partners: FC Podil, Anna Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy Rizatdinova, Public Union "Sports Committee of Ukraine".

Biloruska Foundation - 11.3-scaled

In 2021, we want to provide an opportunity to play sports for more children in difficult life circumstances.

Our activities

Attending football training

Manchester United Foundation together with Kyiv Reds supported the initiative of the foundation to hold a football match resulting in the selection of 10 fellows. They will continue training within the annual program "Sports Mentor" Parimatch Foundation in partnership with FC Podil.

Scholarships from the fund children can be spent on uniforms, transfers, necessary equipment, participation in competitions, insurance, etc. to do their favorite thing.

Attending rhythmic gymnastics training

In September 2020, the Parimatch Foundation signed a memorandum with the Academy of Anna Rizatdinova. As part of the "Sports Mentor" program, four young girls train for free at the Rizatdinova Academy of Rhythmic Gymnastics during the year. Parimatch Foundation provides them with uniforms and equipment, Anna took over the training.

Attending football training

Manchester United Foundation together with Kyiv Reds supported the initiative of the foundation to hold a football match resulting in the selection of 10 fellows. They will continue training within the annual program "Sports Mentor" Parimatch Foundation in partnership with FC Podil.

Scholarships from the fund children can be spent on uniforms, transfers, necessary equipment, participation in competitions, insurance, etc. to do their favorite thing.

Attending rhythmic gymnastics training

In September 2020, the Parimatch Foundation signed a memorandum with the Academy of Anna Rizatdinova. As part of the "Sports Mentor" program, four young girls train for free at the Rizatdinova Academy of Rhythmic Gymnastics during the year. Parimatch Foundation provides them with uniforms and equipment, Anna took over the training.

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