Parimatch Foundation supported free climbing festival for children and youth

Biloruska Foundation - img_4634-scaled

The Kyiv Climbing School 2021 festival took place on May 31 and June 1 in Kyiv at one of the largest climbing ranges in Ukraine SPACE. The idea of the project is to popularize a new Olympic sport - climbing.

In total, more than 250 participants took part in the festival. Activities such as competitions, as well as a series of masterclasses for children, youth, as well as teachers and volunteers were presented here.  A master class for a group of children with hearing impairments, who together with an interpreter and instructors overcame their first vertical heights on the climbing wall was such a discovery.

The event was implemented as a project winner of the “Public Budget” competition together with the Department of Youth and Sports of Kyiv and partners of the festival. All participants received souvenirs and the winners of the competition – gifts for active tourism.

The Parimatch Foundation was a partner of the festival.


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