How to choose a charity to donate to

Biloruska Foundation - na-zastavku-10-scaled

The war forced many Ukrainians to become more socially active. Tens of thousands of people have joined the volunteer activity throughout the country. At the same time, many compatriots began to worry about how to choose a charity to donate to. After all, the effectiveness of the use of voluntary funds depends on how successful the choice is. If someone still doubts and will think how to choose a charity or fund raiser, look at the funds that have been engaged in charity for several years. They include the PariMatch Foundation.

It is important that the fund has its own history, not one day. Organizations that have recently emerged may also be fair and reliable, but will require additional verification. But the entire story of the PariMatch Foundation is presented on the official website at thirteen pages. To someone who wondering how to choose a charity to donate to, it is important to pay attention to those who are the founder. And also to ask, which well-known sportsmen and media persons support projects. And if the names of Alexander Shovkovsky, Alexander Usyk, Serhiy Prytula inspire you with confidence, then doubts how do i choose a charity to donate to, will no longer remain, and you will become the most frequent visitor of the site of the charity fund.

Search for a cause

Charitable activities, when it comes to multiple and substantial support, include several aspects. To solve the issue how to choose a charity to support, attention should be paid to the direction of the fund’s work. Four popular programs were successfully launched before the war:

  • “Yes, I can!”;
  • Sport Mentor;
  • Boost4best;
  • New physical Culture!
    • Their names are similar to the key direction of activity. It is support of sports movement for children and youth. Work on the development of exclusive sport was a special unit. When you do not know how to choose a charity to donate to, it is enough to look at what has been done within each program.

      The war has made its adjustments. And although sport did not leave the last place, the priority task was to care for refugees. Their salvation, placement, provision of all necessary went to the foreground. Those who still think about how do i choose a charity to donate to, there is a sense to pay attention to two new programs of the fund:

      • Help for Ukraine;
      • Mental Health!
        • They include everything. It is about material and psychological help to victims of Russian aggression. If you pay attention to the reports on the work carried out in these programs, the question how to choose a charity to support will no longer cause doubts. The importance of each is difficult to overestimate, because it is not known that it is more important: To provide timely material support or to help restore the state of mind, to overcome the psychological crisis.

          How to select a cause area?

          It is necessary to understand that during the war solution of any problem will be timely. Therefore, having learned how to choose a good charity, you have made a step in the right direction. And now it is time to move to concrete cases. On the website of the PariMatch Foundation you will be offered a simple and affordable way to make a donation of a certain size. However, this does not mean that only money needed, and the rest are not concerned. When you thought about how do i choose a charity to donate to, you stopped at a particular fund due to the available reports and the listed directions, where donations are to be made:

          • evacuation from hot spots;
          • humanitarian assistance to victims;
          • retraining of ICC psychologists;
          • providing sports facilities;
          • organization of summer recreation for children;
          • helping people in de-occupied areas and more!
            • You also have the opportunity to submit your proposals thanks to the provided form for feedback.

              Popular causes

              Having your mind made up on how to choose a charity to donate to, you became part of a huge team. Now it is time to look at the priorities. Very much attention is paid to retraining psychologists who did not have the necessary experience in solving crisis problems. Part of help to children and teenagers – to engage them in sports teams, which are provided with the necessary equipment. Summer rest in camps of Transcarpathia and Cyprus helped many children to recover. The organization of sleeping places and delivery of food sets is the real support of the ERO in their placement. And while some are thinking about how to choose a charity to support, others have already managed to do a lot to make the life of our compatriots at least minimal, but returned to the former channel.

              Charity validation

              There are two closely related questions: how to choose a charity to donate to and how to check the charity fund. That’s simple. In the section “News” you can read the description of the actions carried out. And you can open the section “Reporting” and see what specific figures are mentioned.

              Understanding your donation options

              Each of us has its own capabilities and plans. If there is no doubt about how to choose a charity to donate to, everyone will act in different ways. Your donations may be small, but be carried out regularly. Or it will be a one-time, but a fairly large amount. The choice in this matter is only by you. But remember, your help is needed in Ukraine.


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