A community for innovative teachers

In September 2020, the foundation created a closed community for physical education teachers and trainers "NPE — a community for teachers-innovators" on Facebook.

A community for innovative teachers

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We also hold free webinars for physical education teachers every month and invite various experts in educational, sports, psychology, and other sciences areas.

We regularly provide useful educational content from experts in the field of education and sports at the community.

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The Parimatch Foundation created this community as part of a New Physical Education program, so teachers can share their experiences, ideas, and resolve issues quickly and efficiently. It helps to make physical education lessons interesting, useful, and relevant for every child which is the most important.

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We also hold free webinars for physical education teachers every month and invite various experts in educational, sports, psychology, and other sciences areas.

Our activity

In just six months we have collected:

Community of innovative teachers

We collected more than 3,000 participants of community

Useful and motivative content

Within the program we collected more than 25 hours of useful content

Community of innovative teachers

We collected more than 3,000 participants of community

Useful and motivative content

Within the program we collected more than 25 hours of useful content

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