"Yes, I can!": The first open football training for children with disabilities in Lviv

Biloruska Foundation - dsc06049-scaled

An open inclusive football training organized by the international charity Parimatch Foundation took place on December 9 at the Lviv Center for Creativity of Children and Youth of Galicia.

More than 60 students from four different educational institutions in Lviv took part in an open football training from the Parimatch Foundation. These are schools № 67, № 68, Lyceums “Nadiya” and № 21, where the program “Yes, I can!” was recently launched.

Such sports activities are important not only for children with disabilities but also for their peers, as they form a tolerant attitude, develop communication skills and flexibility, as well as expand life experience.

Mentors and role models in sports are extremely essential, especially for children. That is why the players of the football club “Lviv” attended the open training. Interaction with professional athletes has become one of the brightest impressions for children. During the training, the players inspired the project participants to develop and achieve. Athletes admit that this experience has become essential not only for children but also for themselves.

“I am convinced that children need such training. They follow our example, see that we have achieved something, and also strive to become professionals. Incredible emotions after training, one boy even hugged me. This also inspires us to work and improve,” said FC Lviv midfielder Maksym Hrysio.



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