The new school year starts with New Physical Education: Parimatch Foundation delivered sports equipment to the Chernihiv region

Biloruska Foundation - kopyia-na-zastavku-1-scaled

The international charity organization Parimatch Foundation continues to provide educational institutions with modern sports equipment. This is one of the priority directions of the "New physical education" program and cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a part of the Memorandum of Cooperation.

The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Head of the Physical Education Committee, a representative of the Institute of education content modernization and the Parimatch Foundation representatives as well as the Chernihiv Regional Military Administration and the Department of Education and Science of the Chernihiv Region representatives came to congratulate children on the new school year and test new equipment.

Oleksiy Shkuratov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, congratulated those present on the beginning of the school year.

— On September 1, the new academic year began in Ukrainian schools, but, unfortunately, not all students were able to sit down at their desks, as in peacetime. The war made its corrections: educational institutions, sports grounds were bombed, both the material and technical base and sports equipment were destroyed. Today, it is impossible to restore everything with state funds. Therefore, we hope for the support. Parimatch Foundation helps Ukrainian children with sports equipment, provides support in other areas as well. All of us strive for students to have good health, be happy and get quality education in safe conditions. Such measures are extremely necessary. Thank you everyone!

The event on the occasion of the school year beginning took place at the Chernihiv stadium «Yunist». In total, Parimatch Foundation delivered modern sports equipment to 35 educational institutions in the region.

— I would like to sincerely thank the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for supporting the Chernihiv region. We appreciate our partner, the Parimatch Foundation, for implementing their programs in the Chernihiv region. Today we would like to thank you for the sports equipment you delivered to educational institutions. Our children will go in for sport with pleasure. I think it is very symbolic that this equipment can be used for team sports. This is especially important today, when we need to be united, when we have to show and prove that unity is our strong side, and therefore Victory is ours!, – noted the deputy head of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration, Zhanna Sherstyuk.

The Foundation will continue to provide educational institutions with sports equipment needed for the implementation of the National Academy of Sciences’ new modular system (New Ukrainian School). The New Ukrainian school is a key MES reform aimed at the modernization of educational institutions. One of its tasks is the physical development of students.

As part of the «New Physical Education» program, Parimatch Foundation has already purchased 300 sports kits for a total amount of over UAH 3 million, which were distributed among educational institutions in Ukraine that needed help with equipment the most. Regions that have already received sports kits are Lviv, Ternopil, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykolaiv, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Vinnytsia, Poltava, Kirovohrad, Odesa, Volyn, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy and Kyiv regions.

One set of sports equipment can provide leisure and physical activity for 50 to 100 children. The set includes equipment for various sports: football, basketball, handball, volleyball, badminton, chess, checkers, and darts.

The Foundation systematically works with educational institutions, providing them with sports equipment. In addition, we provide methodical support and conduct training for physical education teachers.

— On behalf of our Foundation, I would like to congratulate all parents and children on the beginning of the new school year. Despite all the difficulties, educational institutions continue to work, and children continue to study, and it means we make a step toward a great victory. Life prevails over war, and we create the future every day through our contribution to our children. The Foundation is ready to continue supporting educational institutions and teachers, helping with educational program implementation. Cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is important for us, we jointly approach the reformatting of the educational process by today’s conditions, – noted Vadym Misyura, director of the Parimatch Foundation in Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Parimatch Foundation has supported the Chernihiv region as a part of the «Help to Ukraine» program. The Foundation helped to equip temporary shelters located in educational institutions in the region. In March, 200 sleeping places for families who suffered during military operations in the Chernihiv region were arranged there.

In addition to the «New Physical Education» program, the «Sports Mentor» program has already been implemented in Ichnia, the Chernihiv Region. The Foundation also plans to launch a «Psychological Support in Crisis» educational course for IRC psychologists who work with families and children with war trauma. The project developed with the Israeli Trauma Coalition experts with the support of the Department of Education and Science of the Chernihiv Region aims to share with Ukrainian psychologists the latest techniques of crisis assistance that are needed when working with internally displaced persons of different ages during the war.



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