Parimatch Foundation continues to provide educational institutions with sports equipment

Biloruska Foundation - zmi-zmina

30 educational institutions in Ukraine will receive sports equipment to be used in physical education lessons.

In general, we received applications from different regions of the country. Absolutely all contestants deserve to receive the equipment, but we had to choose only 30 according to the next criteria:

  • the educational institution meets the criteria for starting education in the full-time format by the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • readiness of the educational institution to conduct the 2022-2023 academic semester in the full-time format
  • regions have not received sports equipment from the Parimatch Foundation before

The priority was given to educational institutions with an acute need for sports equipment and a clear justified motivation and description of the equipment used. All institutions will receive sports equipment during the next two weeks.

Sports equipment will be delivered to the Rivne, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Poltava, Kirovohrad, Odesa, Volyn, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, and Sumy regions.

Starting with September, the Parimatch Foundation will continue to provide educational institutions with sports equipment and focus its efforts on those regions and schools that will work in the full-time format and will be recommended by the responsible MES Departments. And this means that we will continue to support sports development among children and young people.

List of schools to receive sports equipment from Parimatch Foundation:

1. Communal institution Vinnytsia Lyceum No. 27
2. Bratslav specialized in Nemyriv District, Vinnytsia Regional Council
3. Dubovomakharinetsk school of I-III grades. “Kindergarten school” of the Samhorodotsk village council
4. Educational institution Lyublynetsk Lyceum of the Lyublynetsk Settlement Council of the Volyn Region
5. Communal institution Lyceum No. 13 Kamianske City Council
6. Korosten secondary school of I-III grades No. 5 of Zhytomyr region
7. Korolivka institution of general secondary education No. 1
8. Bila Tserkva Science and Mathematics Lyceum-Gymnasium No. 16 named after M. O. Kyrylenko of the Bela Tserkva City Council of the Kyiv region
9. Pogrebivsk gymnasium of the Vasylkiv city council of the Kyiv region
10. Communal institution Bobrynetsky Lyceum No. 2 of Bobrynetsk City Council, Kirovohrad Oblast
11. Stepova branch of the secondary school of I-III grades – Communal institution Pervozvanivske NVO
12. Starotsarychansk secondary school of I-III grades of Bilhorod – Dnistrovsky district of Odesa region
13. Communal institution of general secondary education “M.P. Guzyk’s Author’s School” of the Yuzhne City Council of the Odesa Region
14. Varas Lyceum No. 2 of Varas City Territorial Community of the Rivne region
15. Bystrytskyi Lyceum of the Berezniv City Council of the Rivne Region
16. Velikobubniv institution of general secondary education of Romny city school of Sumy region
17. Communal institution of general secondary education Primary school #1 of Khmelnytskyi City Council
18. Slobidkorakhnivska secondary school of I-II grades
19. Zhashkiv Specialized School #1 with in-depth study of individual subjects, Zhashkiv City Council of Cherkasy Oblast
20. Pugachiv institution of general secondary education of I-III grades of the Zhashkiv City Council
21. Ustiluz Lyceum of the Ustiluz City Council of the Volyn Region
22. Poltava special school No. 40
23. Rivne Lyceum N 23
24. Lyceum #13 “Success” of the Poltava City Council
25. Communal institution Nikopol secondary comprehensive school of I-III grades No. 19
26. Communal institution Poltava Secondary School of I-III Grades No. 2 of the Poltava City Council of the Poltava Region
27. Makovyshchan gymnasium of the Makariv settlement council, Bucha district, Kyiv region
28. Lyutynsk secondary comprehensive school of I-III grades
29. Lyceum 23 of the Kamianske City Council
30. Communal institution Gymnasium 34 of the Kamianske City Council


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