Parimatch Foundation Aided 55K Ukrainians and Provided 50 Tons of Humanitarian Help

Biloruska Foundation - humanitarna-dopomoha-na-zastavku-scaled

The total cost of the help reached UAH 8.5 million (over €275,000)

Parimatch Foundation and Parimatch Tech continue aiding Ukraine and Ukrainians in times of war. Since the first days of the Russian invasion, Parimatch Foundation actively worked with authorities, regional military administrations, volunteers and NGOs, helping internally displaced persons and families with children who remained in the hottest spots of Ukraine. The Foundation promptly organised evacuations, put up the hubs for Ukrainians across the country, and purchased products and hygienic sets. Moreover, a number of medical facilities and projects were supported. In May-June 2022, Parimatch Foundation continued to increase financial assistance, and identified a number of priority areas:

  • Psychological rehabilitation of children;
  • Sport programs renewal;
  • Continuation of work with medical projects and facilities: financial, logistical, and humanitarian aid to hospitals.

In total, over the four months of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Parimatch Foundation purchased and distributed over 50 tons of humanitarian help, spending UAH 8.5 million. The number of beneficiaries surpasses 55 thousand Ukrainians.

Psychological rehabilitation

Mental health is one of the main factors in the rehabilitation and adaptation to a new stage of life. The trauma of war can have irreparable consequences for future generations. Therefore, Parimatch Foundation has launched a new psychological assistance program for children affected by Russian aggression. In early May, the Foundation launched Crisis Psychological Assistance — a joint course with Israel Trauma Coalition for the psychologists of inclusive resource centres. The project’s goal is to share the techniques of crisis assistance with Ukrainian psychologists, which are applicable for work with different age groups in times of war. Ternopil and Lviv regions have already successfully completed the training. Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, and Kyiv regions are getting ready to complete the course as well.

Parimatch Foundation is also opening children’s sports camps for psychological rehabilitation in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Cyprus this July. The camps will welcome children affected by the war, evacuated from hotspots or staying there, those who lost their parents or whose parents are defending Ukraine. This summer, trips are planned for 300 children.

Sport programs renewal

During times of the war, Parimatch Foundation did not leave the coaching community of its charitable programs and the children involved. Daily online trainings for children with mental disabilities were organised. Anna Rizatdinova Academy and Kharkiv Football School took part in the program. Parimatch Foundation’s partners, Futbik, held trainings in the Kharkiv subway. For Child Protection Day, Parimatch Foundation prepared 200 sports sets with advanced equipment. The sets will be delivered to Western regions of Ukraine, as well as Dnipro and Chernivtsi regions, where numerous children are staying in shelters. 50 schools in the Lviv region were the first ones to receive the sports equipment—the region became of the biggest cities to host IDPs during the war.

In May, Parimatch Foundation brought together 12 participants of the Yes, I Can programme, who represented Ukraine for the first time at an international inclusive tournament Internationalen Neusser Inklusions-Cup in Germany. The tournament of such scale was the first experience for the children participants in the programme, so Parimatch Foundation covered the financial and logistical organisation of the trip.

The little participants of the Sports Mentor programme had a chance to visit the sport’s veterans. Together with the Football Association of Kyiv, they provided the Ukrainian football legends and their families with provision sets.

Presently, Parimatch Foundation decided to renew and relaunch its sports programmes, namely Yes, I Can and Sports Mentor, and create new projects that will help speed up kids’ psychological and physical rehabilitation.

Medical projects and medical facilities support

Parimatch Foundation pays special attention to supporting and aiding medical facilities, especially in the regions suffering from constant shelling.
That’s why the Foundation joined forces with the Proactive Generation NGO and purchased an ambulance, which already helps save lives in the Mykolaiv region. It has all the necessary equipment and supplies to provide emergency care directly in the ambulance.

Parimatch Foundation also provided Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Centre with supply kits, which allowed the facility to continue working in times of the war. For instance, the Foundation purchased reagents for the haemostasis analyser — TEG5000 thromboelastograph manufactured by Haemonetics (USA). The station provides free emergency medical care to the military and civilians with coagulation disorders. The sets provided will allow the Blood Service Centre to conduct 300 studies.

Ukraine Hospitals Appeal initiative support is continuing. The project was created jointly with the WeHelpUkrainians foundation and prominent British surgeons. The initiative aims is to provide Ukraine with as much medical aid as possible.

“Supporting children and creating quality sports, education, and social initiatives was always Parimatch Foundation’s big mission. After the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, we immediately saw the critical necessity of directing our resources toward providing psychological help, supplying medical facilities, and aiding internally displaced persons. We are dedicated to helping everyone impacted by the war, searching for international donors, engaging our partners and urging them to help Ukraine. We are also returning to our sports and education programmes. Being helpful and useful to Ukrainians at all times is a great honour and pride for us,” — says Katerina Biloruska, President of Parimatch Foundation.


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