"Every child needs a friend and mentor": Denis Berinchyk trained with the wards of the program "Sports Mentor"

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Silver medalist of the Olympic Games and the World Boxing Championship Denis Berinchyk conducted a joint training session with girls-athletes from families in difficult life circumstances. The meeting with the athlete took place at PM Fight Academy within the program "Sports Mentor".

19 girls from the Sports Mentor program of the Parimatch Foundation International Charitable Foundation took part in the training with the legend of modern Ukrainian boxing. According to Vadym Misyura, director of the foundation’s representative office in Ukraine, this program involves children and adolescents in sports, regardless of their financial status or life circumstances.

“Unfortunately, in our country, there are many families with children who for various reasons found themselves in difficult situations. For most of them access to sports, purchasing uniforms, or equipment they need are not available. So our program helps those children to play various sports, participate in competitions, realize their potential, believe in themselves. I am convinced that life is changing for the better thanks to sports. It is important that there is always a coach-friend and mentor next to the children,”

said Vadym Misyura.

According to Denis Berinchik, such training and programs motivate teenagers and help them make a choice in favor of sports. However, without the desire to change, according to the athlete, nothing will happen.

“We can’t force teenagers to go to the gym. If they are not interested, we will simply not succeed. But if they have the desire to play sports, their eyes are burning, and they are ready for change – victory is not far off. And here a lot depends on the coach, mentor. He should not only give tasks and control time but also be a friend, older brother, mentor. Make sure that along with physical development, work on moral and intellectual components continues. An athlete must work on himself comprehensively,”

Denis Berinchyk shared.

The event was held on the occasion of the beginning of a new stage of the program “Sports Mentor”, implemented by the Parimatch Foundation and partners – Sports Committee of Ukraine and the Juvenile Police. According to the head of the Juvenile Prevention Department of the National Police Vasyl Bohdan, the purpose of the initiative is to establish communication with teenagers who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

“Juvenile prevention police officers also join the training in order to build a “bridge” of effective communication in sports conditions. Such initiatives are an important tool for building trusting relationships between adolescents and adults. And also to promote a healthy lifestyle,”

said Vasyl Bohdan.

Motivational training was joined by girls from 4 regions of Ukraine, where the program has already begun – Volyn`, Zaporizhzhia, Ternopil, and Donetsk regions. In the future, the program will expand in other regions of Ukraine, as the first participants of the program are already demonstrating success in sports.

Thanks to training and participation in the “Sports Mentor” program, our athletes are already reaching professional achievements in sports. For example, a girl from the Donetsk region, who plays Sambo wrestling, won regional competitions and became a candidate for inclusion in the national team. ”

shared the President of the Sports Committee of Ukraine, Ilya Shevlyak.

After the training, there was an informal conversation between the participants of the event and Denis Berinchyk. Each of the girls received gifts from the Foundation.


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