Kateryna Biloruska Foundation

We care for the future generation

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FEM – Future Empowered Minds

Join our leadership program designed to empower teenage girls with essential skills, mentorship, and a global network to unlock their potential and shape and create a better tomorrow.

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B-RIGHT | Cyprus

The B-RIGHT project by the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation is a basketball training program to protect children's rights. It combines sports with awareness of children's rights.

B-RIGHT | Cyprus

About the Foundation

Greetings! I am Kateryna Biloruska, and you are getting acquainted with the website of the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to empowering children and youth globally through innovative education, personal development, and mentorship programs.

Today’s global challenges — ranging from environmental crises to social inequalities — profoundly impact the physical and mental well-being of the younger generation. My team and I believe that education and holistic development are essential tools for overcoming these challenges, fostering resilience, and enabling youth to adapt to an ever-changing world.

However, access to quality education and personal development opportunities remains unequal. That is why we are committed to creating inclusive programs that equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to reach their full potential.

Through our work, we aim to cultivate a generation of confident, educated, and empathetic leaders who can contribute to building a sustainable and harmonious future. Together, we can create a world where every child has the chance to dream, act, and achieve without limitations.

About us
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"Social responsibility and sustainable actions have always been a key part of my life and work. In a rapidly changing world, children and young people must have the tools to adapt, grow, and fulfill their potential. By investing in their education and development of soft skills, we are helping to build the capacity of communities and create a sustainable and harmonious future for all."

Kateryna Biloruska
Founder of the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation

Through our work, we aim to cultivate a generation of confident, educated, and empathetic leaders who can contribute to building a sustainable and harmonious future. Together, we can create a world where every child has the chance to dream, act, and achieve without limitations.

About us

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

The Kateryna Biloruska Foundation is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are a priority for us to achieve some of them. All the Foundation's activities are aimed at creating a better future for the next generation.

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Quality education

Quality education is a cornerstone of sustainable development. We are focused on creating innovative and inclusive programs that enable young people around the world to fulfill their potential.

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Gender equality

We aim to empower youth around the world by providing equal opportunities, challenging stereotypes, and fostering leadership to create a more inclusive society.

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Peace, justice and strong institutions

A peaceful, inclusive society is crucial for the well-being of future generations. By promoting justice and breaking down barriers, we create safe spaces for young people to thrive.

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Partnership for the goals

Global challenges require collaborative solutions. We are open to partnering with experts, organizations, and communities to expand programs that support education, health, and inclusion and personal development.

Programs of charitable foundation

For meaningful changes in a sustainable society, we focus our systematic work and expertise on implementing programs for future generations. To achieve this, we engage experts in the fields of innovative education, culture, and health. We believe that a healthy and educated youth can build their future and influence the development of their country.

Opportunities for the development and growth of youth and teenagers

The Kateryna Biloruska Foundation provides comprehensive development programs to help youth unlock their potential, develop leadership and other soft skills, and find their inner strength.

Social impact and community support

Creating social campaigns to promote socially important topics such as accessibility (gender equality) and innovative education.

Supporting families and promoting culture worldwide

Focusing on promoting сulture among displaced communities in Europe, the USA, Canada, and the UK to maintain cultural ties and global awareness.

Helping Vulnerable Groups

Ensuring equal opportunities and access to development, education, and well-being for marginalized and vulnerable groups.

Helping children from low-income families

Providing educational, physical and mental well-being, and social support to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, including internally displaced persons.

Helping children in hospitals

We ensure every child can access education and development, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Effective cooperation

The involvement of international partners, experts, and the government in the charitable programs of the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation will solve social problems and have a more significant impact on the formation of a tolerant society.

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Cyprus Olympians
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Commissioner for Children’s Rights Cyprus
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United Sports Cyprus
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'Elefthera Cheria' - Limassol Municiaplity
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Multifuctional Centre of Nicosia - Nicosia Municipality
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CSR Cyprus
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Israel Trauma Coalition
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Cyprus Autistic association
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Nicosia Multifuctional Centre
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Kyrenia Nautical Club
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School of deaf
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Hope For Children
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Special Olympics Cyprus
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Aris FC
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Ювенальна поліція
Juvenile Police
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Ліга толерантності
League of Tolerance
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Jaguar Sports Academy
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Galaxy Academy
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Platform of open online courses
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Special Olympics Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Федерація баскетболу України
Basketball Federation of Ukraine
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Committee on physical education and sports
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Національний комітет спорту інвалідів України
National Committee of Disabled Sports of Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Спортивний комітет України
Sports Committee of Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Українська федерація флорболу
Ukrainian Floorball Federation
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Всеукраїнський центр фізичного здоров'я населення
All-Ukrainian Center for Physical Health of the Population
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Офіційний фан-клуб ФК
The official fan club of FC Manchester United in Ukraine
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Подільський районний у М.Києві Центр з фізичного здоров'я населення
Podilsky district population health center in Kyiv
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Українська федерація Змішаних Бойових Мистецтв
Ukrainian Federation of Mixed Martial Arts
Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - Футбольний клуб
Football club "Podil 2007"
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Knigolav Publishing

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