Parimatch Foundation presented two modern ALVs to Okhmatdyt

Biloruska Foundation - first-month-of-war-press-release-04-1

The international charitable organization Parimatch Foundation continues to focus its efforts on helping Ukrainians in the state of russia's military aggression against our country.

The Foundation spent UAH 2.5 million on the purchase of two ventilators for the National Children’s Specialized Hospital (NDSL) Okhmatdyt, which is the largest children’s hospital in Ukraine, which conduct complex surgeries and treats various diseases.

Olexander Urin, Head of the Department of Intensive and Efferent Therapy of Acute Intoxications of the Hospital, noted the importance of such care:

– The devices are already installed and working. Parimatch Foundation has made a great gift to all who will be treated with these devices. This applies to all patients who have breathing problems caused by different reasons from acute poisoning to traumatic brain injury, surgery, etc. Now we provide assistance not only to children but also to all victims of the war, to all who come to the hospital.
If you ask any resuscitator in the world what their most pressing problem is, the answer will be the ventilators, you never have too many of them. There should always be 25% of the equipment that is not currently in use, as in case of any defects of the basic equipment it must be urgently replaced. And we often have as many devices as patients. And it’s a big problem. That is why I am very grateful to the Foundation for its help!

It should be noted that the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv has actually turned into a full-fledged hospital during the month of the full-scale war, where children and adults wounded by russian shellings are continuously treated.

Due to the war in Ukraine, the support of doctors is now extremely necessary. After all, they save hundreds of lives every day. Vadym Misyura, the representative of the Foundation in Ukraine, is convinced that together we can not only facilitate the work of doctors who fight for human lives every day but also bring our victory closer.

– In this difficult time for the whole of Ukraine, the international charitable organization Parimatch Foundation is accumulating all its forces in support of Ukraine. Our foundation actively worked with children before the war started. The children are our future, and that is why we must do everything possible to help them. ALVs will help to save lives. After all, the purpose of our Foundation is to take care of the future generation!

It is to be recalled that with the start of the war, the Parimatch Foundation opened a fundraiser to help civilians in the hot spots of Ukraine. All funds raised will be used to purchase and deliver food, medicine, necessities, as well as to organize evacuations from the temporarily occupied territories of our country and areas where hostilities are taking place. You can donate any amount that is comfortable for you, follow the link and join the help.

Help together, win together!


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