How to relieve stress and anxiety during wartime

Biloruska Foundation - na-zastavku-8-scaled

Parimatch Foundation has been supporting many social initiatives for many years. Most of the attention was directed to the issue of sports of younger generations — development of children's sports movement, support of teenagers with inclusion, providing them with equal opportunities for self-improvement, training of qualified coaching staff, and this is not the whole list of programs. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Parimatch Foundation has joined many volunteer initiatives. Therefore, when the problem of increasing stress during the war arose, the fact of launching programs to overcome the psychological problems that appeared during the war became quite obvious. Parimatch Foundation's programs are about how to overcome stress in war conditions for people of different ages and how to deal with war anxiety. Specialists will find an individual approach for each patient and choose a comfortable course.

In the first days, the Parimatch Foundation team organized a visit of psychologists to refugee camps in the western regions of Ukraine. However, specialists were not ready to work with people who experienced stress during the war. Therefore, it was decided to turn to the Israel Trauma Institute for help. Who but Israeli specialists know how to properly provide assistance to the population during military operations? Foreign specialists have developed many special protocols and methods that provide a clear answer to the question of how to overcome stress during war. The “Crisis Psychological Assistance” training course for Ukrainian psychologists began in May 2022 and has already been successfully completed in Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. More than 100 specialists started to learn how to relieve stress during war. At the moment, specialists from the Kyiv region are ready to join the projects, classes will start in August.

Drink sedatives

It is important to understand that not only a psychologist will show how to deal with war anxiety — the help must be comprehensive. There are a lot of specialists who work with the victims of war — the foundation provides the refugees with basic necessities, food kits. Crying, tantrums for no reason, aggressiveness or depression, sleep disturbances — a psychologist will not help quickly solve this problem, so refugees are always helped by medical workers. These reactions can be blocked with both traditional sedatives and over-the-counter medications. There is no need to be afraid to take the necessary medicine if it is a fast way how to overcome stress during war. In order to fully overcome stress during the war, it is necessary to suppress sharp emotional reactions from the beginning and then start working with a psychologist in a balanced way. Parimatch Foundation covers all stages of the necessary assistance to refugees — from material needs to teaching how to overcome stress in war conditions .

Don’t read the news

In the first months of the war, it was difficult not to constantly follow the news — events were developing rapidly in all corners of the country, people were anxiously updating the feed to see if their homes still existed and at the same time waiting for positive news. And none of the news channels at that moment gave advice on how to deal with stress during war. Now that the situation has stabilized, psychologists recommend not to monitoring the news feed around the clock. It is optimal to leave one source of information that you trust and consume news in doses — for example, in the morning and in the evening. Try to add entertaining content and return to everyday things. Do not be afraid to pamper yourself — a gift in the form of new clothes or visiting a nice place will improve your mood and stop the process of emotional burnout. The delayed life syndrome continues its destructive work, so it it is extremely important to know how to overcome stress during war. p>

Do not limit the circle of communication

To know how to relieve stress during war, psychologists recommend children and teenagers to socialize as soon as possible. Attending classes at school, clubs, sports sections helps to distract from problems, fill the void, solve the problem of how to overcome stress during the war. Therefore, the Parimatch Foundation, together with food products, sends sets of sports equipment to the western regions, promotes the recovery of training, supports the program of retraining of sports instructors. It’s a little different with adults. The refugees, concentrated in one place, continue to talk about their experiences, losses, destroyed plans. Therefore, psychologists in the set of advice to refugees on the topic of how to relieve stress during war strongly recommend limiting the circle of communication. Being in nature, activities with children, walks, hobbies and, finally, just work help to distract from the experience much better than endless conversations on the same topic.

Do relaxation exercises

In the first days after arriving in the safe zone, some people continue to feel fear, others are overwhelmed by indifference. Emotions accumulate, sometimes coming out in the form of screams and scandals, sometimes eating away from the inside. Psychologists recommend physical exercises as part of solving the problem of how to deal with stress during war. But not everyone likes or can handle sports. Therefore, breathing exercises using the method of the four elements will be a very effective method of calming down. The ability to relax thoughts using the progressive relaxation technique allows you to release overvoltage. Techniques learned under the guidance of a specialist will help restore the balance of vital forces, control emotions, and cope with the situation independently.

Follow the routine of the day

Specialists who have undergone retraining are ready to offer victims of aggression a lot of advice on how to overcome stress during war. It does not necessarily have to be some complex correction programs. Sometimes a person just needs to be directed to the right way of life and to be told that observing the daily regime will also contribute to a faster recovery of the psyche. When you have a busy day ahead of you, there is reason to be depressed. Having a well-thought-out plan for what to do today is another part of the task of dealing with the stress of war. The usual rhythm and usual cares can become the best therapy, help to really return to a normal life.


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