"Innovations of physical education 2.0" Online conference


"Innovations of physical education 2.0" ㅡ is an educational project that aims to tell about innovative methods of teaching physical education.

10:00 (GMT+3)
~ 6 H

"Innovations of physical education 2.0" Online conference

Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - oblozhka-rus-

What is it like ㅡ modern teaching of physical education at school?

Kateryna Biloruska Foundation - oblozhka-rus-

How to make physical education lessons interesting and really useful? How to encourage schoolchildren to attend physical education and play sports in the era of digitalization? Can gadgets go from being an enemy of every child's physical activity to a friend?

Everyone will find answers to these and other questions at the online conference "Innovations of physical education 2.0"

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At the online conference, we will cover the following topics:

We have selected topics that will be useful both for teachers and for coaches, educators, school representatives in cities or regions.

Trends and contradictions in the culture of physical development and education of our time
Research and technology for inclusive educational practice
Professional profile of a physical education teacher, training models and training and development programs
Experience and practice of introducing innovations into the educational process
Trends and contradictions in the culture of physical development and education of our time
Research and technology for inclusive educational practice
Professional profile of a physical education teacher, training models and training and development programs
Experience and practice of introducing innovations into the educational process


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Igor Valitsky

Director of the All-Ukrainian Center for Physical Health of the Population "Sport for All"

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Alexey Lazarenko

Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Foundation for the Protection of Children's Rights, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy

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Maria Modlinska

Physical education teacher at the "Academy of Modern Education", certified instructor of the international project "IAAF Kids Athletics"

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Andriy Bolyak

President of the Cheerleading and Cheersport Federation of Ukraine, member of the Presidium of the European Cheerleading Association, head of educational and sports projects

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Liana Kopylova

Physical education teacher of Kiev-Pechersk Lyceum # 171 "Leader", Honored Teacher of Ukraine, certified instructor of the international project "IAAF Kids Athletics"

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Olexander Fomichov

Coordinator of the international campaign "Play for Human Rights", Head of the Tolerance League charitable organization, Best coach of FC Shakhtar social initiative "Come on, play" 2019

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Vitaly Lavrov

Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization, Head of the Kiev City Federation of Combat Sambo

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Matthew Barrett

Founder of the global football storytelling platform Goal Click, guardian of Football for the Future charity

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Arthur Seletsky

Deputy Minister for Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Education and Science

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Vadym Stetsenko

Chairman of the Committee for Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Education

Let's make physical education lessons modern together!

By registering, you will receive an email with a reminder of the event so you don't miss the online conference. Also on the day of the event, you will receive a link to the online broadcast.

See you on the innovations of body education 2.0!

10:00 (GMT+3)
~ 6 H

Online conference program

10:00 (GMT+3)
~ 6 H
Professional profile of a physical education teacher, training models and training and development programs

The block will cover topics such as the organization of an accessible educational environment and methods of building high-quality educational processes at school. We will also talk about modern developments, platforms, and applications that can be useful for teachers and trainers.

Inclusion in the system of modern education

Is the modern teacher ready for inclusive education? How to prepare a teacher for the appearance of a child with a disability in the classroom and what knowledge should a teacher have in order to change the methodology of educational work?

In this block, we will look at what helps teachers need to transition to an inclusive teaching method.

Promoting an active lifestyle: the role of parents, the state and society

Popular people, active public figures, and government officials will join the block to discuss the role of parents, the state, and society in popularizing an active lifestyle for children.

Experience and practice of introducing innovations into the educational process

Speakers will share their practical experience in implementing innovations in schools. Also, teachers from different countries will talk about the implementation of the European experience for Ukraine.

10:00 (GMT+3)
~ 6 H

Register to receive links to the online broadcast and join the conference on time!

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